Tutorial: Canceling a Critique Request
If you have added a critique request, but change your mind about whether you really want a critic to critique it, you can cancel it. Instructors and critics will not be able to start a critique on it, and no fees (if your school uses fees for critiques) will be charged.
If an instructor or critic has begun a critique of your critique request, you will not be able to cancel it.
To cancel the critique request, click the Cancel Request () button either on the Critique Request card on the My Critiques tab or on the View Critique Request page (which displays when you click the image on the Critique Request card). You cannot cancel a critique request when you're updating a critique request.
A helpful dialog asks you to confirm that you really want to cancel the critique request.

Instructors and critics can no longer critique this request.
You can still see the canceled critique request on your Archived tab. The Canceled Critique Requests section displays below the Archived Critiques section: